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single journey fare中文是什么意思

用"single journey fare"造句"single journey fare"怎么读"single journey fare" in a sentence


  • 单程票价


  • Single journey fare for tram
  • The normal single journey fare is deducted when passengers enter the system . any excess fare paid is refunded at the return trip exit gate
  • The legislative council passed the amendments to the kcrc by - laws today . as stipulated in the amendments , the maximum surcharge can reach hk $ 1 , 650 , which is fifty times the highest standard class single journey fare ( fare from hung hom to lo wu is $ 33 )
    根据修订,九铁可收取的附加费为最高普通等单程车费(红?至罗湖为三十三元)的五十倍(即一千六百五十元) 。
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